Join Our Journey to
100 million

According to a 2017 report by the World Health Organization and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in India alone, about 5-6 crore people have been pushed to poverty because of health-related expenditure, in the last decade.

Swasti’s aim is to promote primary health, prevent health conditions from escalating, and elevate the discourse from being about just physical health to overall well-being. To reach the last mile and most marginalised, we actively partner with community institutions and health workers, grassroot organizations, factories, collaboratives like the #CommunityActionCollab.

It is imperative to protect the most marginalised to break the cycle of ill-health and poverty. We use the following tools to promote physical and mental health, as well as overall well-being: Technology - Using point of care devices and different digital tools, our teams screen for health conditions, digitise health records, use tele-medicine to help people get well and stay well.

Financial security - We support financial and digital literacy, by connecting them to formal financial institutions as well self-help groups and cooperatives that link them to livelihood opportunities.

Social protection - We people navigate the process needed to access various entitlements and schemes offered by the government. We handhold them from the application stage till they access the benefits. We provide physical and digital support across various parts of India

Swasti’s goal is to add a “100 million healthy days” to the lives of the people we work with. Healthy days are the positive complementary form of unhealthy days.

To tell you more, healthy days estimates the number of recent days when a person's physical and mental health was good (or better) and is calculated by subtracting the number of unhealthy days - in a year.

In 2022, we have conservatively added 21 lakh (2 million) healthy days. You can join us in our journey to get to a 100 million, by contributing to these fundraisers.


