Community-led Monitoring provides first-hand perspective on the quality of implementation of HIV services and outcomes. This project will demonstrate that community monitoring can be productive, collaborative, respectful, and solutions oriented.

To improve HIV service delivery and client outcomes in selected districts and clusters
1. To understand the enablers and barriers towards uptake of HIV services by key population groups
2. To generate input from recipients of HIV services in a routine and systematic manner that will translate into action and address gaps in service delivery
Community-led monitoring (CLM) is a technique initiated and implemented by local community-based organizations and other civil society groups, networks of key populations (KP), people living with HIV (PLHIV), and other affected groups, or other community entities that gather quantitative and qualitative data about HIV services. The CLM focus remains on getting input from recipients of HIV services in a routine and systematic manner that will translate into action and change. CLM is an important strategy to strengthen programme impact, efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability through a better collaboration between civil society, KP, PLHIV and national, state and district level decision makers.