Swasti - Everyday Wellbeing for Margianlised Communities

Alliances for
healthy days

Since 2022, Swasti has partnered with Landmark Group to enhance the health and well-being of workers in their supply chain factories across five industrial clusters in India: Tirupur, Bangalore, Jaipur, Ludhiana, and Kolkata.

Our collaboration has delivered remarkable outcomes, positively impacting 40,000 workers from over 130 factories through Health@Work—a holistic, people-centric program designed to promote worker well-being, enhance brand responsibility, and maximize factory productivity. By adopting a multidimensional and inclusive approach, the program ensures that businesses thrive in today’s dynamic landscape. 

The Health@Work program employs a comprehensive strategy to enhance worker health and well-being by: (i) Screening and treating workers for high-burden health conditions such as anemia, hypertension, diabetes, and vision issues. (ii) Assisting workers in accessing ESIC and public health services. (iii) Providing preventive health education. (iv) Offering primary healthcare support through Call4Svasth, which addresses both physical and emotional health. (v) Promoting health products such as nutritional supplements and sanitary napkins etc. (vi) Facilitating access to health insurance, social protection schemes, and financial literacy programs. 

Our partnership with Landmark has been exceptionally successful, with mutual commitment and collaboration driving significant impact. This highlights the effectiveness of our shared values and dedication to improving worker well-being. 

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