Swasti - Everyday Wellbeing for Margianlised Communities

Alliances for
healthy days

Hongasandra is a ward within the Bommanahalli zone of Bengaluru city, with a population of 68,882. Around 10,000 households in the area are low-income ones, with most of them being garment workers. 

The people living in Hongasandra are highly prone to seasonal outbreaks of malaria, dengue and chikungunya, apart from common health ailments like cough, cold, headache etc. There is one primary health center in the area and three sub-centers. 

In collaboration with Morgan Stanley and other stakeholders like health workers, government officers and people’s cooperatives, 12,873 people were reached with various health and well-being services. While providing preventive and promotive care, the i4We (Invest for Wellness) model was also able to bring down cases going to secondary and tertiary healthcare, such as those involving hospitalisation.

This not only helped the residents of Hagasandara immensely, but also reduced the burden on healthcare workers in the city. The health services provided to the people included but was not limited to 24 health camps. Moreover, 363 students and 11 teachers were counselled, as well as 280 life skill sessions were imparted.

It’s not just the numbers which show the impact of Morgan Stanley and Swasti’s partnership, but also the community members, whose lives we have touched. Take the case of Chikka Muniyappa, a 60-year-old auto driver who was detected to be COVID-19 positive.

His family of 10 was not only dealing with a health crisis but also a financial crisis, as the lockdown meant that rampant job loss became a reality for them. Wellness facilitators reached out to Muniyappa’s daughter-in-law, an active member of i4we. He was referred to a hospital through telecare. The family was provided with rations, hygiene kits and the medicines they needed. Muniyappa was in the hospital for 12 days and has recovered now.


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